Websites are one of the vital foods for businesses to stay healthy and grow at a constant rate, especially online. With how everything is changing in terms of customers purchasing decisions due to the COVID-19, businesses need to provide information that will inform decisions when customers search online. Have all touchpoints to meet a customer exactly when they need your product/service.

Having an online presence using a professional website is always a good way to go. This can help you with generating quality leads and making sales. However, today we found that after these websites are created, businesses find it difficult to get a lot of people to see their websites or find it to click i.e. drive organic traffic to their websites.

If you have this problem, no worries, we will help you through this. If you get it right, more traffic will translate to more leads and sales. There are a lot of tactics are to be explored.

In this article, we will share with you 10 proven ways to increase the traffic coming to your website using content.  It is common knowledge that creating this content may be daunting, but with these, you will be creating viral, epic content in no time.

Always find Relevant Keywords

The effective use of keywords is the foundation of any high-ranking site. When you are creating content, it does not differ. Your content must be built around keywords that are relevant to your business and also focused on the intent of searches. Google Keyword Planner and is a good start.

Good content is not only aimed at ensuring your business is the go-to for everyone. But also, it should bring opportunities to build effective links for you by using keywords that are rewarding. If you want to know how to find relevant keywords for your business, we have an article on how to find relevant and trending topics to grow your search traffic. It contains all the information you need to get started with finding the right keywords.  

Research for Topic Ideas

All good content written today started with an idea. How you can be sure your ideas are a perfect match for your business and audience before publishing on your website is to do a topic validation. Find out:

  • The level of demand for what you are writing about
  • The performance of a similar existing piece of content
  • What works best with your audience using surveys or polls
  • Principles that work for good content creation

Google Trends and BuzzSumo are tools that can help you with your research and validate topics before writing. The main reason for doing this is to ensure you are not creating content for content’s sake. Rather, content that will spur interaction or engagement on the section of your website this content is published.

Do Better

With content, there is a vast number of resources on a topic. You do not want to spend time writing a duplicate of what is already existing. Websites ranking high for the content you also want to rank for is because theirs is the best of the best. Before you start writing, think of:

  • What already exists on this topic?
  • What areas were covered on this topic?
  • Can I create something better on this topic?

These will give you a standard to measure your content against and it’ll inform the ideas that will help you stay at par with the competition by being the go-to resource for valuable information. Whatever you do, ensure your content is unique.

Write Unique Content

You can now put your ideas on a virtual paper. While writing, ensure your content is simple and easy to digest. Use the keywords you found

Secrets to Grow Organic Website Trafficevenly throughout your write-up. Maximize the sharing ability of your content

Use Visual Assets

Nowadays, a lot of users on the internet enjoy seeing pictorial representations of ideas or watching a video to influence their thoughts. 65% of people in the world are visual learners. Usually, people do not have the patience to read a long body of text and would opt-in for a visual version of the answer they need most times.

However, content with appealing visuals that provide meaningful and lengthy information on a subject is more likely to be read and shared.

This makes your content memorable and in turn, opens your content and website to a larger audience base. Not to say that any visual elements will suffice, we mean you should use unique diagrams, infographics, and even videos curated to go with the content. They should explain the main point of your content concisely and interestingly, so you retain the attention of your audience.

Now you have your content ready, you can publish it. What else can you do with the content?

Build Links with your Content

With your content set to educate multiple audiences, you can build profitable and long-lasting backlinks to your website. This will help you improve the ranking of your website in Google search results. This is useful if you would love to generate quality leads and improve sales in the long run. The links you can insert in your content for the link-building process include internal links and outbound links. Other links in link building include do-follow links, no-follow links, and inbound links.

Consistency is key

Publishing one article is not enough to help your website increase the traffic coming in. You need to write regularly value-packed content to be published on your website’s blog section. This is the basis of a successful content marketing strategy. Updating your blog on your website can increase traffic in several ways.

  • When you become the expert and thought leader in your industry.
  • If people want to know more about your business from reading a piece of content.
  • Referral traffic from people who have heard about your business
  • Organic traffic through search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Push prospects through your marketing and sales funnel

Write and Comment on other Blogs

We know businesses like to think of their competition and check on them to know what they are up to and if they can do better. One way to save time for blogging that can increase website traffic is to curate and comment on other business blogs and social media accounts about other people’s content. People will be encouraged to support you and most likely visit your platforms for communication regularly. This is a form of content marketing that can help you get a lot of referrals and generate organic traffic.

Utilize the Media

Your content will become boring to your audience over time if all you do is post-write-ups with no other form of multimedia content. Like we mentioned earlier, people nowadays opt-in for visual assets. It’s either you use a blend, or a post is completely in the form of multimedia content.

Think about the content that went viral and you came across, this was most probably visual. Use other types of media such as videos, audio recordings, photos, and infographics. They are known to increase website traffic as much as, and sometimes even more than written content.

Using multimedia content can increase social sharing, which serves as an organic way to get traffic to your website.

Include Downloadable Resources

Yes, you want to increase website traffic, but don’t be selfish about it. If people visit your website you want them to leave with something valuable. To ensure you maintain your reputation as a thought leader, including downloadable resources can tell people that you are truly willing to help them with their needs. Whatever you choose to include, this must be planned out properly and the content in your resource must be valuable.

Resources such as templates, webinars, training videos, audio recordings can encourage people to come back to your website frequently in anticipation of what else you have to offer.

The Secret is Finally Out

You are let in on the tips that can help you build valuable content and get a good number of new visitors. Use these tips to do well for yourself by surpassing them.

Start creating your exquisite content today with a combination of visual assets and opportunities for building links. Whatever you create should be the best of the best that will remain relevant for years to come. It can potentially increase your website traffic by a percentage you are proud of.

If you are old in the content marketing business and you have used any of these content marketing tactics to increase website traffic, please share in the comments what types of content have had the most success for you.